Education & Science College in Khawlan celebrates Prophet's Birthday in Sana'a

Yemen News Agency SABA
Education & Science College in Khawlan celebrates Prophet's Birthday in Sana'a
[10/ September/2024]
The College of Education and Science in Khawlan, Sana'a province, organized a speech and art event to commemorate the Prophet's Birthday occasion.

During the event, Talib Dahan, deputy governor of the education and youth sector, explained that the Prophet's Birthday anniversary is a great occasion that the Yemenis have been observing since the first day of the Prophet's mission until today, and in his great style that made the world watch and wait for this occasion with passion.

The College Dean , Dr. Hassel Nasser Hassel, discussed the Prophet Muhammad's personality(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) and the role of our Yemeni ancestors in supporting him until the Islam banner was raised in the farthest reaches of Arab and Islamic countries.

At the event, speeches were delivered by the director of Jahana district, Saleh Muayyad, the scholar Ibrahim Hamiduddin, Dr. Hamadi al-Sharafi, and activist Aziz al-Rajali, referring to the calls made by some who seek to tarnish the occasion and demonize those who celebrate it, as reality has exposed their falsity, hypocrisy and their work for the enemies of the nation.