Enemy media:Drone from Lebanon targets sensitive military target north occupied territories


Yemen News Agency SABA
Enemy media:Drone from Lebanon targets sensitive military target north occupied territories
[10/ September/2024]
The Zionist enemy media revealed on Tuesday evening that a drone crossed the border from Lebanon and hit a highly sensitive military target in the north of the occupied territories.

Hezbollah said in a statement: "In support of our steadfast Palestinians in Gaza Strip , in support of their valiant , honorable resistance, and in response to the Zionist enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, especially the assassination carried out by the enemy in the western Bekaa, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted today, Tuesday, the reserve headquarters of the Northern Corps , the Galilee Division reserve base and its logistical stores in Amiad with swarms of swooping drones."

"We are finalizing the training and preparation of all ground forces in preparation for a comprehensive ground operation at all levels - from combat units to command. This is like a pre-prepared arrow, and we know when to shoot it. You have to use the time well, because when the time comes, you will execute."