Hamas expresses optimism for ceasefire agreement after meeting with Qatari, Egyptian officials


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas expresses optimism for ceasefire agreement after meeting with Qatari, Egyptian officials
[11/ September/2024]
DOHA - SABA: Hamas announced on Wednesday its positive stance towards reaching a ceasefire agreement following a meeting in Doha with Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman and Egyptian Intelligence Chief Abbas Kamel.

Hamas, represented by Dr. Khalil al-Hayya, welcomed the mediators' efforts and expressed flexibility in negotiations aimed at halting aggression in Gaza, withdrawing Israeli forces, and facilitating a prisoner exchange.

The movement affirmed its readiness to adhere to previously agreed-upon terms without new demands and rejected external conditions on the ceasefire.

Hamas also supported a national dialogue among Palestinian factions to address post-conflict management and unify their strategy.