Two evenings in Ash Shahil ​district on anniversary of Prophet​ birth

Yemen News Agency SABA
Two evenings in Ash Shahil ​district on anniversary of Prophet​ birth
[12/ September/2024]

HAJJAH - SABA: The Ash Shahil Court of First Instance in the Ash-Shahil District, Hajjah Governorate, held a cultural evening to commemorate the anniversary of Prophet Muhammad's birth.

In the evening event, attended by the directorate's director, Walid Abu Donia, the President of the Court, Judge Hamoud Al-Haij, emphasized the significance of commemorating the anniversary of the birth of the greatest man in human history. He highlighted that this man led the nation from darkness into light, marking a transformative moment in both human and historical terms.

During an evening gathering of the local authority in Ash Shahil, the directorate's head, Walid Abu Donia, along with the mobilization officer, Abdullah Al-Wadhaf, emphasized the significance of celebrating the Prophet's birth as an expression of love, belonging, and adherence to the mercy bestowed and the exemplary model provided.