Hamas, Arab Liberation Front, Palestinian Liberation Front hold tripartite meeting


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas, Arab Liberation Front, Palestinian Liberation Front hold tripartite meeting
[13/ September/2024]
GAZA- SABA: The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas announced Friday, that it has conducted a tripartite meeting with the Arab Liberation Front and the Palestinian Liberation Front in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement, Hamas conveyed that the meeting reaffirmed the stance that "the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation by any means is a legitimate and undisputed right."

The factions emphasized that the people, along with their national forces, "are responsible for determining their own destiny and shaping the post-war future."

The meeting also underscored the urgent need to implement the National Consensus Agreement reached in Beijing, along with previous agreements, and to restore and reform the PLO to become an inclusive representation of the Palestinian people.

Yesterday, a leading source in the Palestinian resistance disclosed to Al-Mayadeen that intensive consultations are underway among Palestinian factions regarding the formation of a national consensus government based on the outcomes of the Beijing Conference.

The source noted that "if forming a government proves unfeasible, a special committee will be established to manage the Gaza Strip under the framework of national consensus."

In July, Palestinian factions signed the "Beijing Declaration" to end divisions, form a national consensus government, and enhance Palestinian national unity during the reconciliation dialogue held in Beijing.