"Hamas": Africans recruitment confirms moral crisis' depth in Zionist enemy entity


Yemen News Agency SABA
[15/ September/2024]
The Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" said that what the Zionist media revealed about the occupation army's recruitment of "African asylum seekers" to fight in its ranks as mercenaries, "confirms moral crisis' depth in which this rogue entity lives."

According to the Palestinian Information Center, today, Sunday, the movement stated in a press statement that this recruitment confirms the Zionist occupation's violation of the most basic rules of human rights, by exploiting the need of immigrants and asylum seekers, "to throw them into battles, and try to compensate for the great hemorrhage in the number of its army due to the resistance in Gaza Strip."

The movement called on the international community and international human rights institutions to condemn this crime, which expresses "the behavior of racist gangs," and to take the necessary measures to hold the occupation leaders accountable for their grave violations of the war laws , international and humanitarian law.

The Zionist newspaper Haaretz revealed today, Sunday, that the occupation army blackmails African asylum seekers by offering to fight in its ranks inside Gaza Strip, in exchange for obtaining permanent residency in "Israel," indicating that the project is implemented in an organized manner and under the security establishment legal advisers guidance.

There are currently about 30,000 African asylum seekers living in the enemy entity, most of whom are young people. About 3,500 of them are Sudanese citizens who received temporary status from the court because the state did not process their applications and did not decide on them, according to Haaretz.