Iranian President stated Yemenis possess technology to produce advanced missiles, negating need for Iran to send them such technology

Yemen News Agency SABA
Iranian President stated Yemenis possess technology to produce advanced missiles, negating need for Iran to send them such technology
[16/ September/2024]
TEHRAN-SABA: Iranian President Massoud Bezeshkian has confirmed that Yemen possesses the technology to produce advanced missiles. "We possess hypersonic weapons and satellites; however, it is inaccurate to claim that we have supplied missiles to Yemen," he stated.

This came at his first press conference on Monday, in the presence of more than 300 reporters and photographers from 150 local and foreign media outlets.

The Iranian president asked. It takes a week for a person to reach Yemen. How did this missile get there?

He added: There is no discussion about the need to confront the Zionist entity, and the Zionist entity should not be allowed to violate international and humanitarian laws.

Human rights are at risk and we are coordinating with friends to confront Israel, which is killing women and children in the Gaza Strip.

The Iranian president stressed the need to strengthen relations between Islamic countries. "Our noble prophet called for unity, but we are still fighting between us, the priority in forming the government was competence, not affiliations," he said.

He pointed out that the call to abolish borders between neighboring countries is due to Islam's call for unity among Muslims. He stressed that the aim of the call to abolish the borders between neighboring countries is to develop the countries of the region and solve their problems.

"The priorities of domestic policy are the search for a common language and the search for and implementation of development plans. We should improve agreements with foreign countries in order to solve internal and external problems, and we should strengthen relations between Islamic countries in a way that strengthens relations at various levels.