Military Media distributes scenes of down US MQ-9 aircraft in Dhamar

Yemen News Agency SABA
Military Media distributes scenes of down US MQ-9 aircraft in Dhamar
[16/ September/2024]
SANA'A - SABA : Military Media distributed this evening scenes of the air defenses downing the US MQ-9 aircraft while it was carrying out hostile acts in the airspace of Dhamar Governorate.

The scenes showed the process of monitoring and following the American aircraft and the moment a locally-made surface-to-air missile was launched towards it, which directly hit it, leading to its downfall.

The scenes also showed the wreckage of the American aircraft burning after hitting the ground.

This aircraft is the third in a week and the tenth of this type that the Yemeni air defenses were able to down during the Battle of the Promised Victory and the Holy Jihad in support of Gaza.

The armed forces announced this morning that the air defenses were able to down an American spy aircraft of the MQ9 model that was carrying out hostile acts in the airspace of Dhamar Governorate.

The MQ-9 is one of the latest American drones and includes high-tech specifications, including an advanced radar system, high-resolution cameras and sensors that can scan an area with a diameter of 360 degrees. The value of the aircraft with the control room, missiles and other devices is $ 30 million.

The missions of this aircraft vary between monitoring, spying and hitting ground targets. It is distinguished by its ability to carry laser-guided missiles and bombs, and it has an advanced radar system that transmits data to a number of aircraft or sites on the ground.

The aircraft is 11 meters long and its width with the wings reaches 20 meters. The aircraft's flight range is about three thousand kilometers, its maximum altitude reaches 45 thousand feet, while its maximum speed is about 240 kilometers. It has the ability to operate in harsh weather conditions and fly for a long period of time of up to 40 hours.