Zionist general: Hamas is winning this war, Netanyahu failed to replace it


Yemen News Agency SABA
Zionist general: Hamas is winning this war, Netanyahu failed to replace it
[17/ September/2024]
Gaza - Saba: Military officials in the Israeli army have dismissed the possibility of a defeat for the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, in the conflict that has been ongoing in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023.

The ex-commander of the Gaza Division of the Israeli army, General Gadi Shamni, stated, "Hamas is winning this war." He added, "Our soldiers prevail in every tactical engagement with Hamas, yet we are losing the war significantly."

General Shamni stated, "It is indisputable that Israel dismantled Hamas's military capabilities; however, Hamas reasserted control over the cities within fifteen minutes following the Israeli withdrawal."

"No one can challenge Hamas in the Gaza Strip after the Israeli forces' withdrawal. The greatest failure is Netanyahu's lack of effort to establish a realistic alternative governing body in Gaza following the Israeli pullout."

In late June, Admiral Daniel Hagari, an Israeli military spokesperson, dismissed the notion proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu that Hamas could be eradicated.

Hagari stated on Israel's Channel 13, "Hamas represents an idea, and the notion that we can make Hamas vanish is incorrect. The belief in their destruction, in making them disappear, is merely a deception to the public's eyes."