Nigeria floods help 281 prisoner's escape

Yemen News Agency SABA
Nigeria floods help 281 prisoner's escape
[17/ September/2024]
ABUJA - (Saba): Nigerian authorities on Tuesday said 281 prisoners had escaped after floods washed away the walls of a prison northeast the country.

Local media reported that a large dam collapsed on September 10, leading to severe flooding that left 30 dead and more than a million displaced, and prompted evacuations across Borno state.

Nigerian Corrections Services spokesman Omar Abubakar said: "Officers tried to evacuate the main Maiduguri city prison last week when they discovered that the prisoners had escaped."

"The floods toppled the walls of correctional facilities including the Intermediate Security Detention Centre, as well as staff accommodation in the city."

"Security personnel were able to recover seven of the prisoners and the process is still underway to locate the rest," he said.