Libya's UN envoy describes Zionist envoy as clown

Yemen News Agency SABA
Libya's UN envoy describes Zionist envoy as clown
[17/ September/2024]
TRIPOLI - SABA : Libya's permanent envoy to the United Nations, Taher Al-Sunni, described on Tuesday, the Zionist entity's ambassador to the organization, Danny Danon, as a "clown who seeks to present funny shows", stressing that the occupation of Palestinian territories will remain illegal.

Al-Sunni said in his speech before the UN General Assembly: "The occupation of Palestinian territories will remain illegal", expressing his surprise at "the position of countries calling for non-compliance with international law".

Al-Sunni also responded to the statements of the Zionist entity's ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, who described the performance of the Palestinian delegation in the assembly as a circus, saying: "We consider him a clown trying to present his tricks and funny shows".

He stressed at the end of his speech that "Libya believes that resistance against the Zionist enemy is not terrorism".