Amal Movement: Zionist aggression will not deter Lebanese from continuing their resistance

Yemen News Agency SABA
Amal Movement: Zionist aggression will not deter Lebanese from continuing their resistance
[17/ September/2024]
BEIRUT - SABA: The Lebanese Amal Movement condemned what it described as "the great crime committed by the Zionist enemy", stressing that it comes in the context of the aggression practiced by this enemy against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

The movement stressed, in a statement issued on Tuesday evening, that this crime will not deter the Lebanese from continuing their resistance and defending their land in the face of the Zionist enemy's plans and toppling them.

The Amal Movement placed this attack on the notice of international bodies and organizations, "not only for condemnation but also for taking urgent measures that are timely to stop this enemy from continuing its terrorist crimes."

The movement appreciated the positions of solidarity and condemnation issued by the Lebanese leadership, noting that this expresses a sense of responsibility "which comes above all considerations."

It called on everyone to make what happened an opportunity to enhance national solidarity, and "to engage together in fortifying the internal arena to confront all challenges."