Iran calls for punishing Israel over awful crime in Lebanon

Yemen News Agency SABA
Iran calls for punishing Israel over awful crime in Lebanon
[18/ September/2024]
NEW YORK - Saba: The Zionist entity should be held accountable for its heinous crime and terrorist electronic assault in Lebanon, the Iranian permanent representative to the UN said late on Tuesday, according to Tasnim.

In a cyber-terrorist act, the Zionist entity detonated telecom devices in Lebanon, leading to the death and injury of thousands of people, including the Iranian ambassador to Beirut, Amir Saeed Irwani added in a speech to the UN General Assembly's 10th emergency session.

While it offers sincere condolences to the families of the victims and to the Lebanese government, the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly deplores this sabotage act and terrorism committed by the Israeli irreligious entity that should be punished for this crime, he said.

How many women and children should be killed before the international community decides to intervene and put an end to the barbarian, devastating war machine?, Irwani wondered, as this entity's brutality is evidently unlimited.

Despite the numerous crimes they committed in Palestine, officials of this Israeli entity still enjoy full immunity, the Iranian diplomat added.