Russian Duma comments on Mossad's relationship, Washington's involvement in Lebanon bombings crime

Yemen News Agency SABA
Russian Duma comments on Mossad's relationship, Washington's involvement in Lebanon bombings crime
[18/ September/2024]
MOSCOW - (Saba): The head of the Russian Duma Committee on International Affairs, Leonid Slutsky, stated that if Mossad's relationship with the pager explosions in Lebanon is confirmed, the United States will become an accomplice in this crime.

The deputy stated on his Telegram channel that "US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken claimed that the United States was not involved in the explosion of communication devices in Lebanon and is collecting information about what happened. This is permissible, but only to the extent that they did not plant the explosives with their own hands."

He added: "If Mossad's relationship with the series of pager explosions in Lebanon is confirmed, the United States will become an accomplice in the crime."

Slutsky stressed that a comprehensive investigation should be conducted into the Lebanese case, with the terrorist attack condemned by the entire international community."

He pointed out that the United States has directly contributed to creating an atmosphere of violence and arbitrariness in many regions of the world.