Euro-Mediterranean: Zionist enemy's bombing in Lebanon is international law flagrant violation

Yemen News Agency SABA
Euro-Mediterranean: Zionist enemy's bombing in Lebanon is international law flagrant violation
[18/ September/2024]
RAMALLAH - SABA :The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor considered the Zionist entity's bombing of "pager" devices and wireless devices in Lebanon on Tuesday and Wednesday a serious targeting of civilians and a flagrant violation of international law.

The Observatory explained in a statement today that the attack was not limited to targeting Hezbollah members, but the Zionist enemy detonated the targeted devices randomly and without discrimination, including those used by civilians.

It considered that the timing of the attack indicates that the Zionist enemy did not take the necessary precautions, as it occurred during periods when the users of the devices are in their homes and with their families, which led to numerous and severe injuries among civilians, including children.

The Euro-Mediterranean Monitor said: What the Zionist enemy did constitutes a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law, which prohibits indiscriminate attacks and targeting civilians and their property and imposes on warring parties to distinguish between civilians and combatants at all times.

He stressed that international humanitarian law prohibits the use of booby traps, known as “bobby traps”, attached to objects used in ordinary daily civilian life, or attached to protected persons, including those that attract civilians.