Communications: Allowing "Starlink" to provide internet services in occupied areas is flagrant violation of Yemen's sovereignty

Yemen News Agency SABA
Communications: Allowing
[18/ September/2024]
SANA'A- SABA: A responsible source in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in Sana'a expressed its condemnation and rejection of the mercenaries of aggression against Yemen allowing "Starlink" to provide satellite internet services in the occupied areas.

The source considered in a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) a copy of it, this measure a flagrant violation of Yemen's sovereignty and at the same time constitutes a major threat to its national security, in addition to harming its social fabric.

The statement said, "This behavior clearly confirms the mercenaries' disregard for Yemen's sovereignty and independence and their readiness to harm the security and stability of the homeland in favor of external powers, so it was not surprising that the decision was welcomed by America."

The statement stressed that providing internet services by a foreign company in any region throughout the republic constitutes a direct threat to Yemeni national security and undermines the ability to protect citizens' privacy and data.

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology warned all citizens against dealing with this company and its services as they are illegal, holding the mercenaries and those who support them fully responsible for any consequences resulting from this decision.