Launching a joint campaign to combat malaria vectors in Al Maraw'ah

Yemen News Agency SABA
Launching a joint campaign to combat malaria vectors in Al Maraw'ah
[19/ September/2024]
HODEIDA - SABA: A joint campaign for community awareness, larval spraying, and filling in places that cause diseases transmitted by mosquitoes was launched in Al Maraw'ah District, Hodeida Governorate.

The campaign, which is implemented by the Health and Environment Office in the district and the Malaria Control Center in cooperation with the local authority and representatives of the General Mobilization, aims to combat malaria vectors and educate the community about means of prevention.

At the launch, the director of the district, Abdullah Al Marouni, stressed the importance of community awareness to prevent epidemics and diseases, and to treat swamps after rainfall to preserve public health.