Palestinian Resistance: We blew up convoy of Zionist military vehicles in central Rafah

Yemen News Agency SABA
Palestinian Resistance: We blew up convoy of Zionist military vehicles in central Rafah
[19/ September/2024]
GAZA - SABA: The Palestinian resistance announced Thursday the implementation of a complex ambush for a convoy of Zionist enemy vehicles in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

According to Ma'an News Agency, "Qassam Brigades", the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas", said in a military statement, "We trapped a convoy of Zionist vehicles in a complex ambush west of Kuwaiti Hospital in the city of Rafah."

"Qassam Brigades" added, "We blew up a Zionist personnel carrier with two Shawaza bombs and targeted two other carriers with al-Yassin 105 and Tando shells."

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the enemy forces in Rafah and implement strong ambushes for its forces in various areas of the Gaza Strip.