Israel arrests 19 Palestinians in West Bank

Yemen News Agency SABA
Israel arrests 19 Palestinians in West Bank
[19/ September/2024]
OCCUPIED QUDS - Saba: The Israeli army early on Thursday arrested 19 Palestinians - including a woman, a journalist and ex-prisoners - after breaking into their homes in the occupied West Bank.

The Zionist forces re-arrested Jamal Hindi from his house in Qalqilia, who was released two weeks ago after 20 years imprisonment.
The enemy forces arrested Margret al-Rae'i, a worker for the Palestinian Red Crescent, local sources said, after her home was raided in Qalqilia.

The occupier also arrested nine civilians from Jios town, northeast Qalqilia, and two brothers (Maher and Shaher al-Rae'i from Qalqilia City, the sources added.

Journalist Mujahid al-Sa'adi was arrested from his home in Jenin City, Hosam Alaool and his son Abdurrahman were arrested from their home in Nablus, and Anas and Mohanad al-Qani were arrested in Kafr Qalil south the city, according to the sources.

In Ramallah, the occupier arrested Ahmed Ankoosh from his home in Deir Abu Masha'al town as a pressure on his uncle, Jameel Ankoosh who served 24 years in Zionist jails, to surrender, they said.