Celebration at Modern Specialized University marks Prophet's birthday


Yemen News Agency SABA
Celebration at Modern Specialized University marks Prophet's birthday
[19/ September/2024]
SANA'A - SABA: The Modern Specialized University in the capital Sana'a hosted a speech event on Thursday to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.

In his address, Abdulkarim al-Dahhak, representing the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, emphasized the significance of celebrating this occasion to draw lessons from the Prophet's noble biography.

Al-Dahhak urged attendees to equip themselves with knowledge and awareness, fostering a spirit of jihad to defend the nation’s security and sovereignty and to liberate homelands from foreign domination.

Al-Dahhak highlighted the transformative impact of the Prophet, who brought justice and mercy to a society long plagued by tyranny and oppression.

He noted that honoring the Prophet's birthday strengthens faith in God and reinforces the values of compassion, solidarity, and benevolence within the community.

Dr. Mujahid al-Jaber, rector of the Modern Specialized University, reiterated the importance of the celebration as an opportunity to reflect on the Prophet's life and to renew commitment to his teachings.

He stressed that this occasion serves as a catalyst for embracing the noble values of sacrifice, altruism, and the promotion of peace, encouraging individuals to embody these principles in their daily lives.

Dr. al-Jaber remarked that Yemenis take great pride in this celebration each year, reaffirming their loyalty to God and His Messenger while countering any attempts to disconnect the nation from its prophetic heritage.