Shura Council Speaker congratulates Revolution Leader & head of Political Council on glorious September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary

Yemen News Agency SABA
Shura Council Speaker congratulates Revolution Leader & head of  Political Council on glorious September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary
[20/ September/2024]
The Shura Council Speaker, Mohammed Hussein al-Aydarous, sent a cable of congratulations to the Revolution Leader, Sayyed Abdul Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, and H.E. Field Marshal Mahdi al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council, on September 21 Revolution 10th anniversary occasion.

In the cable, the Speaker of the Consultative Council expressed his warmest congratulations , blessings, on his behalf , on behalf of the Presidency , Council members and its General Secretariat, to the Revolution Leader, the President and members of the Supreme Political Council, Prime Ministers, MPs, the Supreme Judiciary, heroes of the armed , security forces and the Yemenis in all its segments on this glorious national occasion.

The Shura Council Speaker said: "The glorious revolution represented in its essence a national, political , strategic victory for Yemen's land , people at the internal , external levels , restored the people under your wise , courageous leadership their will and the independence of their political decision."

He added: "It enabled him to build a significant military force that strengthened the steadfastness and fortitude of the people in the aggression face of the coalition countries , the aggression of the trio of evil America, Britain and Israel as a result of Yemen's courageous and honorable stance towards the aggression and genocidal crimes committed against the Palestinians in Gaza by the usurping Zionist entity."

He stressed that the Shura Council will spare no effort in carrying out its constitutional , legal duties and actively contributing to the defense of the homeland, achieving the goals of the revolution, strengthening national unity, supporting revolutionary steps and political leadership in the battle for development , the desired change, and confronting all the effects of the aggression and siege.

al-Aydarous reiterated the support and blessing of the efforts made to achieve all the people aspirations at all levels, and to continue fighting the battle of the promised conquest and holy jihad alongside jihad and resistance axis in supporting the oppressed Palestinians until they achieve a clear victory and establish their independent state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.