Exposing American-Israeli Spy networks highlights security achievements of September 21 revolution: Report


Yemen News Agency SABA
Exposing American-Israeli Spy networks highlights security achievements of September 21 revolution: Report
[20/ September/2024]
SANA'A - SABA: Yemen has long been a battleground for foreign interventions, primarily driven by American, British, and Israeli agendas.

The September 21, 2014 revolution marked a turning point, reclaiming Yemeni sovereignty from external control.

In recent developments, the unveiling of American-Israeli spy networks underscores the security achievements of the revolution.

These networks, fueled by foreign funding and aimed at destabilizing Yemen, sought to fragment societal cohesion and incite conflict.

The revolution has successfully countered these conspiracies, reinforcing Yemen’s commitment to independence and stability.

Triumph of September 21 revolution restores security in Yemen

In recent decades, Yemen has faced rampant acts of sabotage and assassination, driven by foreign interventions that undermined public peace and security.

Criminal plans orchestrated by terrorist cells—often recruited from abroad—targeted mosques, markets, and public spaces, significantly harming Yemeni interests.

However, the September 21 Revolution marked a decisive turning point, ending foreign dominance and unifying security efforts to combat terrorism.

As a result, citizens in the capital Sana'a and liberated provinces now experience greater security and stability, contrasting sharply with the ongoing chaos in the occupied southern regions.

The revolution has empowered Yemenis to reclaim their sovereignty and restore peace in their communities.

Yemeni security forces thwart conspiracies and enhance stability

Despite significant conspiracies against the Yemeni people and their leadership, the Ministry of Interior and security services have remained vigilant, successfully thwarting numerous plans and uncovering potential crimes.

Grounded in Quranic principles and national values, these efforts have led to substantial security achievements.

Key among these successes is the purification of Sana'a and liberated governorates from terrorist cells, effectively dismantling the networks of criminal elements.

The September 21 Revolution has empowered security forces to restore order and protect the community, reinforcing stability across the region.

Yemeni security forces thwart enemy plans amid ongoing threats

Yemen's security establishment has successfully disrupted criminal plots orchestrated by enemy forces and their terrorist affiliates, backed by American and Saudi support. In response to rising threats, some security personnel have even resorted to civilian disguises to protect themselves from potential assassinations.

The accomplishments of the September 21 Revolution are evident in the stability experienced in the capital Sana'a and liberated governorates.

Despite continued conspiracies from America, Britain, and the Zionist entity aimed at undermining Yemeni solidarity with the Palestinian cause, citizens maintain their support for the Palestinian resistance and their commitment to justice.

Yemeni security services achieve major successes against Takfiri cells

Yemen's security services have effectively dismantled Takfiri cells and groups recruited by the US-Saudi-Emirati coalition, preventing numerous sabotage operations over the past decade. Their efforts have thwarted plans for assassinations and suicide attacks, dismantling thousands of explosives intended to target civilians.

Under the guidance of the revolutionary leader, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and the President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi al-Mashat, the Ministry of Interior has successfully managed to control thousands of crimes, apprehending highway robbers and gangs involved in theft, forgery, and banditry, thus enhancing the security and stability of the nation.

Yemeni Ministry of Interior transforms challenges into opportunities amid ongoing aggression

The Yemeni Ministry of Interior, alongside its security services and in collaboration with citizens, has not only thwarted aggression plans and foiled conspiracies but has also advanced security operations to meet the aspirations of the Yemeni people. Despite ongoing aggression and a blockade since 2015, the ministry has turned challenges into opportunities.

Key achievements include the local production of armored vehicles, with "Bas 1" entering service in December 2020 and "Bas 2" launched in September 2022. These vehicles are designed according to security specifications, enhancing operational effectiveness and precision in their duties, showcasing a commitment to innovation in the face of adversity.

Yemeni Ministry of Interior innovates security capabilities with new artillery and strategic plan

The Yemeni Ministry of Interior has developed a mobile B10 artillery weapon powered by a 6.0V8 engine, delivering 350 horsepower. Weighing 4,500 kilograms and measuring 5.98 meters in length and 2.7 meters in height, the "Bas 2" exemplifies the ministry's commitment to enhancing its security capabilities.

Additionally, the Ministry has unveiled a five-year strategic plan for 2021-2025, featuring major projects aimed at transforming security operations. This plan seeks to enhance security and stability, counter enemy threats, and restructure the security system culturally, administratively, and institutionally to meet the evolving needs of the situation.

Yemeni Security Services expose American-Israeli espionage network

In a significant achievement, Yemeni security services have successfully monitored, investigated, and arrested key operatives of an American-Israeli espionage network infiltrating both official and unofficial institutions. This operation has revealed various conspiracies spanning security, military, economic, political, health, educational, agricultural, cultural, and social sectors.

The network's activities included gathering intelligence for hostile agencies and conducting surveillance on state institutions and society. The exposure of these plans underscores the commitment of Yemeni security forces to safeguard national integrity and counter foreign interference.

Yemeni Security Services arrest spy network influencing decision-makers

Yemeni security services have successfully dismantled a spy network that has infiltrated state authorities and influenced decision-makers for decades. This network reportedly facilitated the passing of laws and decisions aligned with Zionist and American agendas, and actively recruited individuals who traveled to the U.S. for collaboration with foreign intelligence.

The operation highlights the ongoing efforts of Yemeni authorities to protect national sovereignty and counteract foreign manipulation within the country's political landscape.

Achievements of Yemen's Security Services under September 21 revolution

The Ministry of Interior and security services in Yemen have demonstrated significant advancements since the September 21 Revolution, showcasing their capability to thwart conspiracies aimed at destabilizing the nation.

The security developments achieved during this period affirm that the future of Yemen is now secure in the hands of its people, reflecting a strong commitment to maintaining national stability and sovereignty.