Putin: Russian forces will be equipped with 1.4 million drones this year


Yemen News Agency SABA
Putin: Russian forces will be equipped with 1.4 million drones this year
[20/ September/2024]
Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed that the Russian armed forces will be equipped with 1.4 million unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) this year.

Speaking at a meeting of the Military Industrial Commission for the Development of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Putin said last night: "Specialists in the military-industrial complex are working on the front line alongside the military, providing the best solutions to improve equipment."

"In 2023, 140,000 drones were delivered to the Russian Armed Forces, and in 2024 this number is set to increase tenfold," Putin said.

The Russian president continued: "At present, the defense industry enterprises are working rhythmically and meticulously, doing everything necessary to provide the forces participating in the special military operation with modern weapons, equipment, ammunition and equipment, and I would especially like to mention the specialists of the defense industry, who, along with military personnel, risk their health and lives in the combat zone, not only repair equipment in the shortest possible time and return it to service, but also have unique knowledge, offering design solutions for its improvement."

The Russian president continued: "At present, the defense industry enterprises are working rhythmically and meticulously, doing everything necessary to provide the forces participating in the special military operation with modern weapons, equipment, ammunition, and I would especially like to mention the specialists of the defense industry, who, along with military personnel, risk their health and lives in the combat zone, not only repair equipment in the shortest possible time and return it to service, but also have unique knowledge, offering design solutions for its improvement."

Putin said: "The production scope of unmanned systems in the Russian Federation is expanding, and work is being done to create unmanned boats, as well as robotic platforms for multipurpose use, most of which will be sent to troops on the battle line." He called for "removing any obstacles that would slow down the supply of drones to Russian forces."

"The design, testing and production of drones will be carried out on the basis of special centers, and 48 such sites are planned to be established by 2030," he said.