Popular: Enemy bombing house in suburbs is crime added to enemy's terrorist crimes record


Yemen News Agency SABA
Popular: Enemy bombing house in suburbs is crime added to enemy's terrorist crimes record
[20/ September/2024]
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) considered the Zionist enemy's shell of residential buildings in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, on Friday, as a new crime added to the crimes record of its terrorist army and its criminal fascist government.

In a statement today, the PFLP reaffirmed its full solidarity with the Lebanese people, their resistance, the resistance leadership and its incubators in the Zionist terrorist aggression's face , the extended and increasing crimes of extermination.

The Front said in its statement: The enemy's crimes and the expansion of the war of annihilation leave no choice for our nation and the region's peoples with all its components except to resist and fight with all available tools, as what we are witnessing is a battle to defend destiny and existence.