At 10 pm.. Launch of unified radio program "Freedom, Independence" on September 21 Revolution 10th anniversary

Yemen News Agency SABA
At 10 pm.. Launch of unified radio program
[20/ September/2024]
SANA'A - SABA : At 10 pm today, 31 official and private national radio stations will broadcast the unified radio program "Freedom and Independence" on the occasion of the Yemeni people's celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the glorious September 21 Revolution.

Yahya Hamid, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Information for the Radio, Television and External Media Sector, explained that the program will continue for two hours over seven days until September 26.

He pointed out that the program, which is presented by an elite group of broadcasters from official and private radio stations, sheds light on the Yemeni position in supporting Gaza as a result of the September 21 Revolution, as well as talking about the wise leadership of the revolution and how it led it to victory step by step.