Roads Foundation President congratulates Revolution Leader & Political Council President on September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary

Yemen News Agency SABA
Roads Foundation President congratulates Revolution Leader & Political Council  President on September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary
[21/ September/2024]
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Corporation for Roads and Bridges, Engineer Abdulrahman Al-Hadhrami, sent a cable of congratulations to the Revolution Leader, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, and the Head of the Supreme Political Council, Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, on the occasion of the September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary.

In the cable, Engineer Al-Hadhrami stressed that the September 21 Revolution is a national occasion embodied by the greatness of the revolution that terrified freedom's enemies , liberation ,tyranny forces , colonialism and foreign domination.

He pointed out that this revolution, which fought an exceptional confrontation with the forces of invasion and occupation over the past years in defense of the independence, freedom and dignity of the Yemenis, is today in a direct confrontation with America and Israel in support of the brotherly Palestinians.

Engineer Al-Hadhrami pointed out that the steadfastness and fortitude of the Yemenis in the US-Saudi and US-UAE aggression's face reflects the cohesion and popular rally around the revolutionary leadership, which was able to lead the revolution with unparalleled wisdom.

The head of the General Corporation for Roads and Bridges also emphasized that the Yemeni leadership, people and army are today participating in the battle for liberation , national independence, and creating the future sought by the Yemenis of faith and wisdom.