Popular Parade in Amran commemorates 10th anniversary of September 21 revolution


Yemen News Agency SABA
Popular Parade in Amran commemorates 10th anniversary of September 21 revolution
[21/ September/2024]
AMRAN - SABA: The General Mobilization Forces organized an armed popular parade in Shaharah district of Amran province to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution and express solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

Participants, including graduates of "al-Aqsa Flood" courses, displayed banners and slogans advocating for freedom and solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.

The participants emphasized their readiness to engage in the battle for "the promised conquest and holy jihad" in support of the Palestinian cause.

The parade attendees expressed pride in the achievements of the past decade, notably the liberation from external control, the restoration of national sovereignty, and the establishment of a robust military force.

The Mobilization Forces congratulated the recent successful Yemeni military strikes against key sites of the Israeli entity, reaffirming their commitment to ongoing mobilization and preparation for the next phase of escalation against perceived aggression and global dominance.