Military Graduates rally in Raymah to mark September 21 revolution anniversary

Yemen News Agency SABA
Military Graduates rally in Raymah to mark September 21 revolution anniversary
[21/ September/2024]
RAYMAH - SABA: Bilad al-Ta'am district in Raymah province on Saturday hosted a popular military parade on September 21, 2024, celebrating the tenth anniversary of the September 21 revolution and showing support for the Palestinian people.

Graduates of "Al-Aqsa Flood" military courses participated in the event, attended by local officials and leaders.

The event also expressed solidarity with Palestinians, particularly those in Gaza. Participants, who were graduates of military courses, chanted slogans celebrating Yemen's liberation from foreign influence and supporting Palestinian resistance.

Participants pledged loyalty to revolution leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi, descripting the leader's call a message to global powers like the US, UK, and Israel Occupation.

The participants expressed support for continued military training and mobilization and also celebrated recent Yemeni military strikes against Occupation targets.