Women's Authority in Al-Hodeida City organizes speech event on September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary


Yemen News Agency SABA
Women's Authority in Al-Hodeida City organizes speech event on September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary
[21/ September/2024]
The Women's General Cultural Authority in Al-Hodeida city organized on Saturday a speech event on the occasion of the glorious September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary .

A number of speeches were delivered at the event, which reviewed the achievements of the Yemenis during the revolution, which represented a model in the struggle for freedom, sovereignty and independence.

In addition, the women's organization organized a solidarity stand in solidarity with the Palestinians and in support of the armed forces' operations against the Zionist entity in response to the massacres it is committing in Gaza Strip.

The participants raised the flags of Yemen and Palestine, as well as banners and slogans of the September 21 Revolution, which represented a milestone in Yemeni history and ended the era of tutelage.

They stressed that celebrating the revolution embodies the victory of its goals and proceeding on the path of struggle to chart the future and achieve the aspirations of the Yemenis in building a state based on justice ,a law rule and capable of defending the homeland, its resources, sovereignty and independence.

A statement issued by the vigil condemned the Zionist enemy's persistence in committing brutal crimes, siege, starvation and genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza Strip, with the support of the United States and the West.

It expressed anger and disapproval at the continued silence of the international community and the complicity of the Arab , client regimes towards the Palestinian people and the failure to take serious positions to pressure the enemy to stop the aggression on Gaza.