Demonstrations are taking place in cities, capitals around world condemning aggression on Gaza Strip

Yemen News Agency SABA
Demonstrations are taking place in cities, capitals around world condemning aggression on Gaza Strip
[21/ September/2024]
CAPITALS - SABA: Thousands of people took to the streets in various cities and capitals around the world on Saturday to protest against the Zionist actions in the Gaza Strip.

Demonstrations were held in Paris, Vienna, Uppsala, Stockholm, Milan, Maastricht, Liverpool, Odense, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Hamburg, Bremen, Freiburg, and Berlin, according to the Palestinian news agency. These were organized to show support for the Palestinian people, call for a ceasefire, and advocate for the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

Demonstrators waved Palestinian flags and displayed banners denouncing the crimes perpetrated by the Israeli occupation against our people.

The participants called for an end to double standards and the need to prosecute the occupation for its massacres against the Palestinian people, especially children, and condemned the genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg said Israel's genocide in Palestine was absolutely horrific and silence about it meant "complicity".

"The genocide committed by Israel in Palestine is absolutely horrific, and it is being committed live," she said.

"I don't understand how people can watch the genocide live and go about their daily lives with indifference, and I think whoever has the ability to move should raise their voice and do everything they can to stop it."