Mikati urges international community to adopt definitive stance on enemy's massacres​​


Yemen News Agency SABA
Mikati urges international community to adopt definitive stance on enemy's massacres​​
[21/ September/2024]

BEIRUT - SABA: Today, Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati urged the international community and all people of conscience to adopt a definitive stance on the appalling massacres perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces in Lebanon and the surrounding areas.

In a statement reported by Lebanon's National News Agency, Mikati urged for the establishment of international laws that would safeguard civilian technological resources from becoming targets in military conflicts.

In this context, Mikati declared the cancellation of his trip to New York for the United Nations General Assembly sessions, emphasizing that halting the massacres and various forms of warfare conducted by the Israeli adversary is the utmost priority.

He stated: "I intended to travel to New York to bolster the Lebanese diplomatic efforts at the United Nations General Assembly, aimed at halting the extended Israeli aggression against Lebanon and the atrocities perpetrated. However, given the recent events concerning the Israeli offensives, I have chosen to cancel my trip. Following discussions and in agreement with the Foreign Minister, we have outlined the immediate diplomatic actions necessary at this juncture."