Algeria has requested high-level Security Council meeting to address situation in Palestine​

Yemen News Agency SABA
Algeria has requested high-level Security Council meeting to address situation in Palestine​
[21/ September/2024]
NEW YORK - SABA: Today, Algeria requested the convening of a high-level Security Council meeting to address the situation in Palestine, coinciding with the general debate of the United Nations General Assembly.

During a Security Council meeting addressing the Middle East situation, including the Palestinian issue, Algeria emphasized the critical necessity for resolutions to be backed by follow-up and accountability mechanisms to guarantee their execution. Algeria underscored its belief in the imperative of enforcing peace upon all who reject and disbelieve in it.

Algeria has declared its firm belief that "peace should be imposed on those who reject and disbelieve in it," stated Benjamin, urging for "a decisive and unambiguous stance regarding the worsening situation in the region."

In this context, he emphasized that "the primary responsibility of the Security Council is to uphold international peace and security." He highlighted the urgency of the situation in the Middle East, calling for swift and decisive action, and reminded everyone present that the region stands on the brink of an abyss.

Ben Jammeh emphasized the importance of learning from history to avert the gravest outcomes, stating that "the worst that could happen is nothing less than a full-scale regional war."

The Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations condemned Tel Aviv for its impunity, consistent rejection of past agreements, and ongoing breaches of international law, which underpin civilized societies.

On Wednesday, the UN General Assembly adopted a draft resolution with overwhelming support, demanding that Israel withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories within one year.