Hodeida celebrates 10th anniversary of September 21 revolution with major parade


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hodeida celebrates 10th anniversary of September 21 revolution with major parade
[22/ September/2024]
HODEIDA - SABA: Hodeida hosted on Sunday a vibrant parade of General Mobilization Forces, marking the tenth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution and expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The event featured thousands of participants, including military graduates, who showcased their readiness to defend Yemen and support Palestine, amidst chants of loyalty to revolution leader Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi.

Attended by Deputy Prime Minister Mohammed al-Madani and local officials, participants raised Yemeni and Palestinian flags.

Speakers emphasized the revolution's role in liberating Yemen from oppression and fostering a strong military aligned with faith and resilience.

The event showcased the community's commitment to the Palestinian cause, portraying the Yemeni people as unified in their struggle against perceived foreign aggression.

Hodedia first undersecrectary Ahmed Al-Bashiri praised the participants' combat readiness and high morale, reiterating their determination to confront Israeli and western forces.

He highlighted recent military successes and reaffirmed the priority of the Palestinian issue within the framework of the revolution.

The event, held in the port square, was attended by various local leaders and community members, reinforcing the message of national unity and resistance.