Israeli army intensifies raids on southern Lebanon

Yemen News Agency SABA
Israeli army intensifies raids on southern Lebanon
[22/ September/2024]
BEIRUT - (Saba): The Israeli enemy army on Sunday morning launched heavy raids on several towns in southern Lebanon.

According to Lebanese media, enemy warplanes bombed the towns of Azziyeh, Ayta al-Shaab, Zarariyeh, Taybeh, Ein Qana, Kafr Melki, Majdal Zoun, Mahmoudiyeh, Al-Aishiyeh, Zabqin, Ansar and Wadi Hassan, while warplanes and reconnaissance aircraft flew over the Lebanese airspace, Lebanese media reported.

Zionist enemy aircraft also carried out raids on the towns of Talusa, Rub Thalayn, Shihin, Malikiyah, Yatar, Khiyam, Markaba, Houla and Wadi al-Saluqi in the south and the town of Zillaya in the Western Bekaa.