18th phase of cash transfer project in Ibb launched


Yemen News Agency SABA
18th phase of cash transfer project in Ibb launched
[22/ September/2024]
IBB - SABA: The 18th phase of the unconditional cash transfer project for beneficiaries of the Social Welfare Fund was launched on Sunday in Ibb province, supported by the World Bank through UNICEF and the Social Fund for Development.

At the launch event, key officials, including Shura Council member Nabil al-Habishi and Deputy Governor Yahya al-Qasimi, reviewed the disbursement mechanisms presented by representatives from al-Karimi Bank and al-Amal Bank. Notably, this phase includes a 50% increase in the cash amount disbursed to each beneficiary, which will be given as a one-time payment.

Deputy governor al-Qasimi emphasized the importance of facilitating the disbursement process to ensure beneficiaries can easily access their funds.

He commended the efforts of UNICEF, the World Bank, and other partners in improving the living conditions of citizens amidst ongoing challenges.

Dr. Qasim Shahra, director of the Social Welfare Fund in the province, noted that this phase targets 127,000 households, distributing a total of 2.8 billion Y.R.

The cash transfer process will take place over 25 days at 370 fixed and mobile sites across all districts, with the fund committed to addressing any challenges beneficiaries may face during the disbursement.