Local authority in Sana'a celebrates September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary


Yemen News Agency SABA
Local authority in Sana'a celebrates September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary
[22/ September/2024]
The local authority in Sana'a province organized a speech event to mark the glorious September 21 revolution tenth anniversary.

At the event, which was attended by a number of members of the parliament and the Shura Council, Abdul Qader al-Jilani, Secretary General of the provincial local authority, explained that the celebration of the glorious revolution tenth anniversary, which coincides with the Yemeni people's celebrations of the Prophet's birthday (peace be upon him and his family), has great connotations.

Al-Jilani emphasized that the glorious September 21 Revolution is a revolution against foreign employment and mercenarism, against injustice , fragmentation, and against the Wahhabi Takfiri ideology.

The first deputy governor, Hamid Asim, reviewed the revolution stages after the escape of the US ambassador and his lackeys from Sana'a to Saudi Arabia, after which the aggression was launched that caused the killing and wounding of tens of thousands of people and the displacement of millions of Yemenis in all provinces.

"Today, we celebrate the tenth year of the immortal Yemeni revolution as we see our missiles and marches hitting vital targets in the usurper Zionist entity, in support of our brothers in Gaza, after ballistic missiles, cluster bombs and hydrogen bombs were hitting the capital Sana'a and the Yemeni provinces, during the years of unjust aggression against our country," he said.

He pointed out that the September 21 revolution came at a time when Yemen was going through its most difficult historical stages, after its sovereign decision was taken away from it, and it became a hostage in the hands of global and regional organizations.