Meeting in capital's secretariat promotes mobilization to support Palestinians

Yemen News Agency SABA
Meeting in capital's secretariat promotes mobilization to support Palestinians
[22/ September/2024]
An expanded meeting was held on Sunday in the Capital secretariat to mobilize in the framework of the fifth phase of the escalation to support the Palestinian people , their valiant resistance and confront the aggression forces and global criminality.

The meeting, which included the Secretary of the Capital, Dr. Hamoud Abad, First Deputy Secretary Khaled Al-Madani, Undersecretary for Administrative Units Sector Ali Al-Qafari, Assistant Undersecretary for Neighborhood Affairs Ismail Al-Jarmouzi, directors of directorates, executive , security leaders and mobilization officials, focused on continuing mobilization activities , events and enhancing steadfastness and community awareness to thwart the plots , schemes of the enemies and their mercenaries in various fields.

The Capital Secretary and the First Deputy stressed the importance of integrating efforts and continuing the weekly exit, mobilization in all districts, consolidating awareness , popular steadfastness to face the challenges , Zionist and aggressive conspiracies targeting the Yemenis.

They urged the directors of directorates and mobilization officials to organize a march for graduates of Al-Aqsa flood courses in all directorates of the Secretariat, as well as the events celebrating the glorious September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary and wide participation in the central event on the anniversary of the glorious September 26 Revolution, within the framework of activities in support of the Palestinians.