Sheikh Yazbek asserts, "Our march goes on, undeterred by weakness in our hearts"

Yemen News Agency SABA
Sheikh Yazbek asserts,
[22/ September/2024]
BEIRUT - SABA: The head of Hezbollah's Sharia Committee, Sheikh Muhammad Yazbek, said: "We do not thunder or threaten until we sign, and the days are coming, and the day will come when our secretary-general (Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah) repeats them. Look at it, it will burn hopefully."

This came in a speech during the funeral of martyr leader Ahmed Mahmoud Wehbe in Baalbek, according to Lebanese media on Saturday.

"There is a threat and a threat from America, the West, Israel and everyone with them, but nevertheless we are sure that they are failing."

He continued: "We continue our march and no weakness, doubt or hesitation has entered our hearts."

Sheikh Yazbek added: "Our vision shines and we realize what we do and how to fight. He pointed out that "the resistance front today to more cohesion and presence to confront the enemies until victory is achieved."

Sheikh Yazbek concluded his speech by saying: "This blood and heart surgeries will turn into strength and determination to confront the enemies of God and humanity." He added: "The dawn of victory is coming, there is no weakness or sadness for the future."