Fifth Scientific Conference at Al-Bayda University begins

Yemen News Agency SABA
Fifth Scientific Conference at Al-Bayda University begins
[22/ September/2024]
The fifth scientific conference, under the theme "The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing the status of scientific research and its impact on society," began today at the University of Al-Bayda.

At the opening of the conference, Youth and Sports Minister Dr. Mohammed Al-Mawlad considered the conference a great success and a victory for the educational front in the province.

He praised the tangible successes achieved by Al-Bayda University and the academic steadfastness and administrative staff, which failed the aggression's efforts to disrupt the educational process. He pointed out that the role of universities is not limited to providing students with knowledge, but it is a repository of human knowledge that is preserved by generations and seeks to generate knowledge that falls under research and studies useful to society.

He stressed on redoubling efforts to improve the quality of outputs and improve the scientific achievement level, in addition to holding such events and research conferences. He stressed the ministry's keenness to support the educational process at the university to enable it to fulfill its scientific and societal mission and graduate qualified cadres in various disciplines.

For his part, the President of Al-Bayda University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Arami, stressed the importance of the conference, which is attended by 300 researchers to review 230 research papers from Yemeni, Arab and international universities through remote communication techniques.

He pointed out that the conference will discuss in three days many researches in the legal fields, humanitarian, applied, educational, mathematical, administrative and medical sciences. He praised all efforts supporting the continuation of the educational process at the university and achieving its goals in serving the community.

Abdullah Abu Al-Rajal, Vice Chairman of the University's Board of Trustees, emphasized the importance of joining efforts to support Al-Bayda University , provide the necessary needs and requirements in the university's faculties.

He discussed the successes achieved at Al-Bayda University, despite the challenges the country is going through.