In 2023 & 2024, tens of thousands of Zionists departed from occupied territories, reportedly not to return

Yemen News Agency SABA
In 2023 & 2024, tens of thousands of Zionists departed from occupied territories, reportedly not to return
[22/ September/2024]
OCCUPIED AL-QUDS - SABA: Today, Sunday, the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Zionist enemy entity published data described by the enemy's media as "worrying", regarding the number of Zionists who left Israel between 2023 and 2024, since the start of the "Al-Aqsa flood".

The Zionist website Yedioth Ahronoth reported that more than 55,000 Zionists left Israel in 2023 without returning, the highest number of immigrants abroad in the same year, according to data from the Zionist Bureau of Statistics.

The statistics office predicted that "the war that broke out on the seventh of October 2023 will promote the departure of the Zionists in 2024."

According to the data, some 55,300 Zionists left and received continuous residency abroad in 2023, a rate of 5.7 per 1,000 inhabitants – a slight increase compared to previous years.

On the other hand, only about 27,800 Zionists returned to Israel during the year, an average of 2.9 per 1,000 inhabitants – a negative immigration balance, with some 27,500 more returnees leaving.

The data also indicated that more men than women left Israel, at a rate of 5.9 per 1,000 men compared to 5.5 per 1,000 women.

The data also shows that 58.8 percent of those who left were born abroad, while 41.2 percent were born in Israel. Of those born abroad who left Israel in 2023, 72.3 percent emigrated from the Commonwealth (former British colonies), 8.7 percent from the United States, 4.2 percent from France, and 14.8 percent from other countries.

The data revealed that the age group leaving Israel is between 25 and 44 years, which is the main age group in the labor market, knowing that a high percentage of those leaving "hold academic degrees, especially in fields such as technology and economics."

Earlier, the Zionist enemy media confirmed that half a million people left Israel in the first six months of the war, at a time when migration towards it has become much lower than it was before the war, amounting to about 2,500 migrants per month.

In conjunction with the "Al-Aqsa flood" launched by the Palestinian resistance, Israel recorded an increase in Jewish reverse "immigration", as the Zionist media talked about a large number of Zionists who left the occupied Palestinian territories since the beginning of the war.

In a separate context, Nir Dvori, a military affairs commentator at Israel's Channel 12, said: "We are now in moments of uncertainty because Israel has decided to act but to act gradually, this means carrying out activities that damage Hezbollah's fire and rocket systems, at all ranges and in all places.

Dvori added that Israel cannot allow itself to enter into a long war of attrition. "Such a war has very great necessities and limitations, from long patience, with the presence of international legitimacy," he said.

He pointed out that the Americans are moving away from the scene because of the proximity of the presidential elections, so Israel's chances are not numerous, and this is not good for it.