Hamadan district's event marks September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamadan district's event marks September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary
[23/ September/2024]
The local authority in Hamadan district, Sana'a province, organized on Monday a central speech event on the glorious September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary, under the slogan "Freedom and Independence".

At the event, which was attended by province deputies Atef Al-Musli and Mohammed Dahan, the director of the district, Jibran Gober, stressed that the September 21 Revolution is a title for dignity, pride , national sovereignty and is a popular awareness of the right way towards change, and provided an important lesson that enhances hope in the hearts of those desperate for independence.

He emphasized that the blessed September 21 Revolution made Yemen one of the advanced countries in the military field, and the latest achievements are the Jaffa aircraft and the Palestine 2 hypersonic missile.

Gober called on not to be drawn into calls aimed at destabilization and targeting the interests of the Yemenis, which are planned by the enemies in coordination with mercenaries who have sold the homeland and are beholden to foreigners.

Allama Ibrahim Hamiduddin pointed to the security and stability that the people of the free provinces are experiencing today after the revolution, which ended the era of bombs and bombings that were managed and supervised by the US embassy from the center of the capital, Sana'a.

He called on the Yemenis to preserve the gains of the revolution and stand against the Yemenis' enemies and all those who move against it from the mercenaries who have sold themselves to the devil.