Zakat, Endowments Authority commemorates 10th anniversary of September 21 revolution

Yemen News Agency SABA
Zakat, Endowments Authority commemorates 10th anniversary of September 21 revolution
[23/ September/2024]
SANA'A - SABA: Zakat and Endowments Authority held on Monday a speech event to mark the tenth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution, themed "The Zakat and Endowments Authority is a Fruit of the September 21 Revolution."

Attendees included Maj. Gen. Yahya al-Mahdi, Chairman of the Defense and Security Committee of the Shura Council, and Sheikh Shamsan Abu Nashtan, Chairman of the General Authority for Zakat. Abu Nishtan noted that the anniversary coincides with global respect for Yemen's leadership and its people’s commitment to supporting the Palestinian cause.

He highlighted the significant achievements of the September 21 Revolution, which has liberated Yemen from foreign control and bolstered support for the oppressed.

Abu Nashtan emphasized that the Zakat and Endowments Authority, once hindered by previous regimes, is now realizing projects worth billions, benefiting the community directly.

Abu Nishtan also remarked that this year's anniversary occurs amidst vital resistance against the Zionist entity in Gaza, praising the Yemeni people's mobilization and the advancements in their military capabilities.

Islamic Scholar Abdulmajeed Al-Houthi, head of the General Authority for Endowments, expressed that the revolution was born from the people's aspirations for change.

He praised Yemen's military achievements, including the ability to counter advanced military technologies, asserting that the September 21 Revolution has positioned Yemen as a leader in resisting foreign domination.

Al-Houthi underscored that, without the revolution, Yemen would have followed the path of many Arab regimes, lacking the courage to confront American and Israeli influence. He hailed Yemen's unwavering support for Palestine as a testament to the revolution's enduring legacy.

Vice Chairman of the Endowments Authority Abdullah Allaw and Undersecretary of the Zakat Authority for Awareness and Rehabilitation Ahmed Mujali reiterated that the September 21 Revolution will be remembered for its transformative impact on Yemen’s sovereignty and national identity.

They described it as a corrective force for past struggles, affirming its significance in uniting the Yemeni people in support of Palestine and the broader resistance movement.