Erdogan: Netanyahu tries his best to spread war in region

Yemen News Agency SABA
Erdogan: Netanyahu tries his best to spread war in region
[23/ September/2024]
NEW YORK - Saba: The Turkish president late on Sunday accused the Zionist PM and his ministers of spreading the war and devastation in the region with every available means.

Turkey is closely watching the massacres committed by Israel in the Palestinian Strip of Gaza since 7 October, President Receb Tayyip Erdogan said at meeting with representatives for think-tanks in the U.S.

Two thirds of over 41,000 civilians, who lost their lives in Israeli attacks, are women and children, he added.

There is a humanitarian disaster in Gaza, Erdogan said, as "1.9 million people were displaced, 70 percent of water resources and 75 percent of bakeries were destroyed, and 95 percent of health centers were totally or partially damaged."