Judicial Council discusses supreme court plan for 1446, honors former council chairman


Yemen News Agency SABA
Judicial Council discusses supreme court plan for 1446, honors former council chairman
[23/ September/2024]
SANA'A - SABA: The Supreme Judicial Council convened for its weekly meeting on Monday, chaired by Judge Dr. Abdulmumin Shuja' al-Din.

During the session, the Council reviewed the Supreme Court plan proposed by the General Secretariat for the year 1446 AH.

The plan outlines essential goals aimed at enhancing the efficiency of judicial and administrative operations, addressing challenges faced by the Supreme Court departments, and activating the technical office's role. Key objectives include improving judicial oversight, expediting case processing, and ensuring timely justice for litigants.

Approval of the plan has been postponed to a future meeting for further assessment and observations.

Additionally, the Council addressed various grievances submitted by judges, taking lawful measures to resolve them. It also considered requests from the Presidency of the Republic regarding the reassessment of certain judicial rulings and made decisions accordingly.

In a notable highlight of the meeting, the Council honored former President Judge Ahmed al-Mutawakel, presenting him with the Shield of Loyalty in recognition of his contributions during a challenging period for the judiciary and the country.

Judge al-Mutawakel expressed gratitude for the honor and wished the current leadership success in their endeavors.

The current Chairman of the Council emphasized that this recognition reflects the appreciation for Judge al-Mutawakel's dedication during one of Yemen's most difficult times.