Opening scientific week & pharmaceutical product exhibition at Hikma University in Sana'a

Yemen News Agency SABA
Opening scientific week & pharmaceutical product exhibition at Hikma University in Sana'a
[23/ September/2024]
Scientific week activities celebrates the World Pharmacists Day and the pharmaceutical product exhibition, organized by Hikma University in cooperation with the Syndicate of Owners of Community Pharmacies, were launched on Monday in Sana'a.

The Education and Scientific Research Ministry representative , Dr. Sadiq Al-Sharaji, along with the Chairman of the University's Board of Trustees, Dr. Salah Mesfer, reviewed the contents and nature of the exhibition, which showcases 40 pharmaceutical products and cosmetics from rare medicinal plants that Yemen abounds in and learn about the stages of extraction, production and manufacture of medicines.

They heard from the Vice President of the University, Dr. Majid Al-Qatawi, and the Head of the Department of Pharmacy at the University, Dr. Mohammed Al-Khawlani, about the quality of pharmaceutical products for students of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, their sources, and measuring the effectiveness of these medicines and preparations.

For his part, the Chairman of the University's Board of Trustees, Dr. Musafir, stressed that pharmaceutical security is an integral part of national security. He pointed out that the university is keen to celebrate the World Pharmacists Day annually due to the importance of the pharmacist's profession in serving patients.

For his part, Dr. Al-Khawlani, Head of the Department of Pharmacy and Chairman of the Scientific Week Organizing Committee, said that the university celebrates the World Pharmacists Day annually to clarify the desired role of the pharmacist profession in serving patients in all aspects of health.

He said that the university celebrates the World Pharmacists Day this year under the slogan "Pharmacist meets the needs of global health" by holding a scientific week that includes scientific seminars with the participation of a group of academics and pharmaceutical scientists, pharmaceutical drug exhibitions produced by the students of the department at the university and similar events at the main center in Dhamar and its branch in Taiz.

The representative of the Community Pharmacy Owners Syndicate, Dr. Mutaher Al-Fail, and the student pharmacists, Abdulrahman Iskandar, pointed out the importance of celebrating the International Pharmacists Day to remind the unknown soldiers in the field of health care and their role in planting hope and smiles in the faces of patients.