Anti-Corruption Commission refers 10 individuals to public prosecution

Yemen News Agency SABA
Anti-Corruption Commission refers 10 individuals to public prosecution
[23/ September/2024]
SANA'A - SABA: In its weekly meeting on Monday, the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Commission, led by Vice Chairman Redan al-Mutawakel, approved the referral of ten individuals accused of serious corruption cases to the Public Funds Prosecution Office.

This step is aimed at initiating and filing criminal lawsuits against them in the Public Funds and Anti-Corruption Court.

The referred cases involve serious allegations, including money laundering, illicit enrichment, manipulation of tenders, and the unlawful seizure of public funds and endowment lands. The total damage assessed from these cases amounts to approximately 714 million and 181 thousand Y.R.

The Commission also reviewed several additional topics during the meeting and took necessary actions on them.