Crimes committed by enemy entity against civilians in Lebanon & Palestine are blemish on reputation of UN and its organizations

Yemen News Agency SABA
Crimes committed by enemy entity against civilians in Lebanon & Palestine are blemish on reputation of UN and its organizations
[23/ September/2024]
SANA'A-SABA: The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights stressed that the continued crimes of the Zionist enemy entity against civilians in Lebanon and Palestine are a blemish on the reputation of the international community, led by the United States of America, Britain, and some Western countries that support the entity.

The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, in a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), condemned the continued silence of the UN system, human rights organizations and bodies, and international courts, which were unable to stop the brutal Zionist massacres in Lebanon and Palestine.

The statement pointed out that this collusion between those organizations, bodies, and States, as well as the official Arab position of a laggard, encouraged the Zionist entity to continue its genocidal crimes against the defenseless Palestinian people.

"Today, the enemy persists in its crimes against the brotherly Lebanese people in southern Lebanon, which is witnessing an intense barbaric aggression with violent raids on southern villages and towns and the Bekaa, which led during the past hours to the rise of more than 250 martyrs, and the injury of more than a thousand, the overwhelming majority of whom are children and women," the statement said.

What the criminal fascist entity did today and yesterday in Lebanon was considered a new war crime added to the series of war crimes and genocide committed and confirmed by the enemy entity in Lebanon and Palestine, and at the same time represents a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law, the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons, the regulations of the Fourth Hague Convention and article 48 of Additional Protocol I.

The statement added that "at the same time that the occupation entity deliberately destroys Lebanese villages, it continues to bombard the remaining shelters in the Gaza Strip, including schools and public facilities, to exterminate civilians and create a coercive environment that coerces the civilian population to leave their areas of residence and forcibly displace."

The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights reiterated that Western support and effective partnership with the Zionist entity in committing these massacres have become public and open and require the international community to take effective action to save the system of international humanitarian and legal principles, given that this aggressive orientation of the brutal Israeli enemy entity and its failure to observe all laws, rules, considerations, values and morals confirms the magnitude of the real danger to all human societies.

It called on all States to shoulder their international responsibilities to stop the systematic murder of Lebanese citizens, genocide and all serious crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip.

It also called for an international stance to pressure the protection of civilians there, pressure the United States and the enemy entity to comply with the rules of international law and the decisions of the International Court of Justice, impose effective sanctions on it, and stop all forms of political, financial and military support and cooperation provided to it, including the immediate cessation of sales, exports and transfers of weapons to it, including export licenses and military assistance.