Assessing advancement of educational system in Dhamar Governorate

Yemen News Agency SABA
Assessing advancement of educational system in Dhamar Governorate
[23/ September/2024]
DHAMAR - SABA: Today, Dhamar Governor Mohammed Nasser Al-Bukhaiti and Deputy Minister of Education and Scientific Research Dr. Hatem Al-Duais reviewed the educational progress at the Model School for Technology and Applied Sciences in Dhamar.

Al-Bukhaiti and Al-Duais, along with the President of Dhamar University, Dr. Muhammad Al-Haifi, and the representative of the education sector in the governorate, Muhammad Al-Hadi, listened to the director of the school, Abdul Salam Al-Dawrani, to an explanation of the progress of the educational process, and the modern equipment it contains that keeps pace with modern educational institutions.

Governor Al-Bukhaiti stressed the importance of the school in providing a model experience and quality education that contributes to building a generation capable of production, manufacturing and innovation.

Deputy Minister of Education Al-Dais considered the model school a first step in the path of developing the educational process, and preparing outputs that meet the needs and keep pace with the requirements of development.

The Deputy Minister of Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Hatem Al-Duais, inspected the progress of work and academic performance at Dhamar University.

He discussed with the President of the University, Dr. Muhammad Al-Haifi, in the presence of his deputies for Student Affairs, Dr. Abdul Kafi Al-Rifai, and Academic Affairs, Dr. Adel Abdul Ghani, issues related to the university, difficulties and proposals to address them.