Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns ongoing Zionist Aggression on Lebanon

Yemen News Agency SABA
Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns ongoing Zionist Aggression on Lebanon
[23/ September/2024]
SANA'A-SABA: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants has vehemently condemned the continuous assaults by the Zionist entity on Lebanon, which have involved over a thousand raids today alone, leading to the death and injury of hundreds of civilians, including children and women.

The official spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Ambassador Wahid Al-Shami, confirmed in a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the Zionist aggression and the dangerous escalation put the region on the brink of a wide war that threatens security and peace in the region and the world.

He pointed out that the international silence and US support encouraged the usurping Zionist entity to persist in its aggression, cross red lines and flout all international laws.

He pointed out that the United States of America is a partner in all crimes committed by the usurping Zionist entity in Lebanon and Palestine and bears responsibility for that.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the Arab and Islamic countries to carry out their duty in support of the brotherly Lebanese people and to leave the box of silence and timid condemnation to the square of action that curbs the Zionist aggression machine and is consistent with the aspirations of the Arab and Islamic peoples.

He reiterated the solidarity of the Government, leadership and people of the Republic of Yemen and their support for the Lebanese people and their valiant resistance in the face of the blatant Zionist aggression.