Mobilization forces popular parade in Sukhna district in Hodeida celebrates September 21 Revolution Day

Yemen News Agency SABA
Mobilization forces popular parade in Sukhna district in Hodeida celebrates September 21 Revolution Day
[23/ September/2024]
Al-Sukhna district in Hodeida province witnessed on Monday a popular parade of graduates of general mobilization courses as part of the celebration of the glorious September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary , the support position renewal and solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Participants in the parade raised the Yemeni , Palestinian flags, chanting slogans , chants of pride in the revolution and freedom from foreign tutelage, calling on the Arab regimes to break the shameful silence and move to stop the genocidal massacres committed by the Zionist aggression in Gaza Strip.

They also chanted slogans calling for the unification of the Arab and Islamic ranks to confront the forces of global hegemony , arrogance, and to break the influence of the US administration, which has lost its prestige as a result of its insistence on interfering in the affairs of the Arab region and supporting the criminal Zionist entity.

The participants renewed their support for the operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces against the targets of the Zionist , American enemy, and their support for the option of mobilization, in preparation for the battle of "the promised conquest and holy jihad" and confronting the enemies of the nation and Islam.

They expressed pride in the honorable position of the leadership, which broke the shackles of guardianship and dependence to speak the truth in word , deed in supporting the Palestinians, based on religious responsibility and a firm stance towards the issues of the nation, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause. They emphasized that the Yemenis will not be deterred by any challenges from this position in support of the Palestinians grievances.

They also expressed the Yemeni people's , pride in the Palestinians , their mujahideen , their legendary steadfastness, which exceeded all expectations and disappointed the enemies, conspirators and normalizers, renewing their support for them until victory.